Peace through strength: Ronald Reagan's voice still calls out to anyone willing to listen

Peace through strength: Ronald Reagan’s voice still calls out to anyone willing to listen "There was a time, many, many fathers ago that heroes were real. It was a time when we believed in dragons, and our heroes would set off in battle to protect the townsfolk and slay the evil beasts. The stories we know never told us why the dragons had so much disdain for humanity, we only know they did." Jonathan Garrett - The Day of the Heroes How much do we really know about some of our great historical heroes? Names like Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Milton Friedman, and many others. These are names that should invoke nostalgic sentiments from an era not that long ago. Instead, the stories and histories from these great people have been slowly buried under the dust heap of ideology. Facts have been changed, valuable lessons forgotten, and the teachers of our schools who should be reminding our children of these truths have pushed them to the...