Descartes and the concept of free thought

Descartes and the concept of free thought "What if Rene the Learned’s words go beyond our ability to believe in our existence? What if he was also saying, that to exist, to really, truly exist as a human soul, we have to have the ability to think, and think freely? For without freedom of thought, we cannot exist in our full capacity as a human soul." Jonathan Garrett - The Day of the Heroes The Enlightenment The Scientific Revolution started in the 16 th century and marked the start of modern day science. Through this revolution, people began to realise that the world and life had been created based on scientific principles. This, of course, helped to eliminate superstition from society and interestingly, marked the end of the European witch craze. It also started the period of the Enlightenment which began around the mid-17 th century. The Enlightenment is a period of time where individuals came away from the structured thought of the Catholic church and ...