
Showing posts from March, 2018

Understanding Socialism Part 3: Why Socialism doesn't work

Understanding Socialism Part 3: Why Socialism doesn’t work From the author of  The Day of the Heroes.  A story about today's culture war in a time of dragons and heroes.  Click Here to purchase from Amazon. Plymouth Plantation In 1620 a group of around 100 pilgrims set off for the Americas, the m ajority were English Puritans escaping from the religious persecution they faced in England. They sought to escape the strict conforms of the Church of England and practice their Christian beliefs as free men and women. They created a new settlement called Plymouth in Massachusetts and immediately began to build. The story of their first harvest with the assistance of the local Indians is the basis for the Thanksgiving holiday celebrated in America today, however, there is another aspect of this story which is the theme for this particular blog. Upon settling, the pilgrims created a system where all property was jointly managed, everyone would contribute what th...

Understanding Socialism Part 2: A history of Socialism in practice

Understanding Socialism Part 2: A history of socialism in practice From the author of  The Day of the Heroes.  A story about today's culture war in a time of dragons and heroes.  Click Here to purchase from Amazon. In looking at Socialism in practice throughout modern history, debates are always had over what constitutes a Socialist society. The fact that Socialist ideas have never been clearly defined, and as such have changed over time has certainly not helped. Believers in Socialism and Communism inevitably state that every identified country that has implemented Socialism, never in fact implemented true Socialism. The reasons for this, of course, is that they do not want their belief systems linked with the death of millions of people. Also, their belief in the utopian ideals of Socialism are so strong, that when it has not occurred, then it simply cannot be the true form of Socialism. Often the statement that is given as to why a country was not Soc...

Understanding Socialism Part 1: The difference between Marxism, Socialism and Communism

Understanding Socialism Part 1: The difference between Marxism, Socialism, and Communism. From the author of  The Day of the Heroes.  A story about today's culture war in a time of dragons and heroes.  Click Here to purchase from Amazon. The idea of Socialism is something that has intrigued me since my high school days many years ago, not in the sense that I agree with it, at least not now. It was more in the sense of its influence on political regimes, particularly during the deadly 20 th century. I have come to the conclusion that most people do not fully understand socialist doctrine, the impact it has had on history, and how it affects even today’s modern societies. I do not pretend to know everything about Socialism, there is too much to know, and even today I am still learning. Also, there is so much that can be said that it is impossible to write everything, so instead I intend to cover what I believe are the main points and use examples that demonstrate...