Understanding Socialism Part 3: Why Socialism doesn't work

Understanding Socialism Part 3: Why Socialism doesn’t work From the author of The Day of the Heroes. A story about today's culture war in a time of dragons and heroes. Click Here to purchase from Amazon. Plymouth Plantation In 1620 a group of around 100 pilgrims set off for the Americas, the m ajority were English Puritans escaping from the religious persecution they faced in England. They sought to escape the strict conforms of the Church of England and practice their Christian beliefs as free men and women. They created a new settlement called Plymouth in Massachusetts and immediately began to build. The story of their first harvest with the assistance of the local Indians is the basis for the Thanksgiving holiday celebrated in America today, however, there is another aspect of this story which is the theme for this particular blog. Upon settling, the pilgrims created a system where all property was jointly managed, everyone would contribute what th...